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[SCL160] TIGERBERRY — Cold Wave

Simple DigiPack a single CD
Available in quantity of 15 pieces.

International: 6 EUR
Russia: 200 RUB

Стол-Стул-Стены — Программа

Normal CD with booklet
Quantity: 9

Buy CD on Bandcamp
World: €5
Russia: 200 Rub

This album was not released on Southern City‘s Lab. However, we have an opportunity to provide you with high quality CDs which were produced by the band. 

The first album was recorded at "Театр" studio near Taganka. All tracks were recorded with a tape recorded. An EP "Программа" consists of three improvisations and an ironic song "Вальс яиц".
01. - Столоверчение. Сеанс Первый.
02. - Вальс Яиц.
03. - Дедлайн.
04. - Столоверчение. Сеанс Второй.